Silk Knots app

The Silk Knots app, and its 7 itterations, is so far the most ambitious project I worked on for Hermès. Aimed at a newer generation of Hermès customers, the app presents them with inspirations and instructions of knots and ways to wear their scarves. A knowhow they were lacking, which meant they would seldom use their scarves...

The app empowers the users with that knowledge in a fun and uniquely Hermès way, and so improving the satisfaction of these flagship Hermès products.
Which leads to happier and returning customers.

Creating value for our customers.

Though the app is free, I believe in designing apps as if it were a paid service. This keep us in the mindset of creating value for the user; which is the first step in creating value for the company.

And users DO pay for apps with their time, the space on the screen,…  It is a very competitive market, even for a "free" app.

Discreet innovation.

Though the app had some pretty innovative feature, with tech that excited us, like live 3d mapping animations, for the users we downplayed it. Focus should be on the emotion or the service it delivers not the tech itself.

Knots for two
This feature allows users to "bump" their phones with another and reveal knots for two. Knots requiring two people to do,  with the instructional films playing across the  two screens simultaneously. It was Awarded 'Best in Show' at the W3.

Blow to swipe
While viewing the collection, the user could blow on their phone and the scarves would start swaying in the "wind".  Blowing harder makes them move more. Blowing even harder makes the scarf fly away and present a new one.

Creating the Content as part of the app.

I believe that a big part of the apps success was that we designed the app and the content together. From the formats, to the durations, the content is a part of the app experience, not just showed in it.

Each season was a new opportunity to create more content, keeping the app fresh. For example with new Lucky Cards, To express Hermès playful spirit, unexpected "lucky cards" , Short crazy films, would pop up at random times.

We also produced a lot of films for Hermès various social media and even e-commerce.